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Live Review: Sage Gateshead

Supporting tonight is Kitty MacFarlane. Hailing from Somerset. MacFarlane takes to the stage. Kitty is a charm, her voice can trigger ASMR with her tales of the Sargasso Sea and the journey of her favourite sea creature the Eel which inspires the track “The Glass Eel.”

Kitty Macfarlane stops to talk about her next track, “Sea Silk.” Gold Sea Silk is from Sardinia, produced by a clam. It is then harvested and handspun. Kitty recalls traveling to Sardinia after learning the sea silk story and meeting Chiara Vigo, who is thought to be the only person left who can harvest sea silk. Kitty explains that when the silk is spun by Vigo (without harming the clam), it is in such a way that it shines and reflects like gold. This all inspiring the track “Sea Silk.”

My favorite aspect of folk is the translation, the telling of a story. MacFarlane sings true to the Somerset tradition but adds more of her tapestry as she meets people along the way. As a storyteller she is a charm, captivating her audience as she performs. The last track of her performance was a real treat, a fantastic rendition of “Song For a Siren” by the late great Tim Buckley.


© 2021 Kitty Macfarlane 

Photography by Ania Shrimpton

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